Canal Clean-Up

About 20 members of our members have been out after training, clearing rubbish from the canal and towpath, supported by the Canal and River Trust.  From the water the groups of juniors and adults cleared from the Mill in Banbury to Cropredy, while those on the towpath...

We’re Back!

The club is now open again – within Covid guidelines.  Initially our focus is on building back confidence and community for our current members, but we hope to be able to run beginner courses in the next few weeks. If you are interested in learning to kayak at...

Looking Forward

We are hoping to be able to open back up to our members at the end of the month, within the Covid Guidelines.  We assume we will still be restricted to small groups, and so will not be taking any new members at this stage.  We hope to start running beginner courses...

2020 Ross Warland Virtual Challenge

The usual Ross Warland Canal Challenge is 20 miles, starting and finishing from our clubhouse in Cropredy, with 12 portages along the way.  These are mostly muddy, some have narrow steps and a bend and – for something different – one is at Banbury’s shopping centre,...

Lockdown #2 Guidance

During this second lockdown period the club is closed again.  This time, however, paddling is allowed as outdoor exercise.  This should be done locally and either alone, in a household group/bubble, or with one other. As there are no club activities at this time,...

Small Steps Forward

As lockdown is gradually lifted step by step, so we are slowly getting back on the water, paddle by paddle.  Obviously we are unable to run full club sessions, and the clubhouse remains closed.  However, we have some small coaching groups up and running, and members...