Our paddlers have been spread out recently. Summer, Millie and Henry, some of our juniors, headed to Nottingham for a Rocket K4 training day, with Summer and Henry being joined by Becky S at Reading the following day to take part in their K4 Race, along with a Southampton junior to complete their team. A massive well done on your 3rd place. Becky, who is part of the GB Canoe Polo Development Team and has only recently converted to racing boats – so this was her first race, her first sit in a K4 and her first (no doubt of many) podium finishes for Banbury.

Anna, Chris, Helen and Sally, four of our senior ladies also had a boat at Reading. A dodgy rudder and therefore not much steering took them out of the running for a podium finish but certainly added to the fun and laughter along the way.

That Sunday also saw Dom headed to the seemingly very narrow Montgomery Canal to compete at the Shropshire Hasler where he took 1st place in his Div 4 race. Congratulations Dom!

Last but by no means least were Siobhan in a K1 and Craig and Becky L in a K2 who headed to Scotland to take part in the Glasgow to Edinburgh Challenge which saw them paddle around 23.5miles on Saturday, followed by just under 32miles on Sunday. An amazing achievement for them all but exceptional for Becky who only started paddling this year.

Well done to everyone!